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Hire Paparazzi in Chicago

Chicago is in need of more excitement— picture famous celebrities strolling down the streets, followed by enthusiastic paparazzi. And guess what? We think you should be that celebrity! At Famous for a Day, we can make that dream come true, at least for a few hours. We offer the opportunity to hire our incredible faux reporters and enthusiastic autograph hounds, who will follow you wherever you go, creating the kind of buzz usually reserved for A-list celebrities at red carpet events!

Ever yearned to be a true Hollywood star? In Chicago, it might feel challenging to experience the full celebrity lifestyle associated with Hollywood. But with Famous For a Day, you can revel in the feeling of being an A-list celebrity right here in the Windy City! Bring our team of fake reporters to cover Chicago's newest celebrity—you!

Our event packages at Famous For a Day are diverse and exciting. You can hire us to send an event photographer to your home, workplace, or the streets of Chicago. Your personal paparazzi will then capture candid shots of you doing whatever you please. Want to involve your friends in the fun? We can make it happen! And if you're looking for something truly grand, we can set you up with a personal bodyguard, publicist, and luxurious limo. The choice is entirely yours, and we've got your back. Rest assured, our photographers will generate genuine buzz and interest in you. Soon, everyone will be wondering who the new celebrity is in Chicago.

One of the perks of our faux fame is that, unlike real celebrity status, once your session is over, your event photographer will respectfully leave you alone. You won't feel overwhelmed by constant paparazzi attention. However, we guarantee that by the end of it all, you'll want to relive the day. Hiring our event photographer will provide you with memories to cherish for a lifetime. We'll provide you with the pictures, so you can always look back on them and reminisce about your unforgettable experience.

Contact us today to explore our personalized paparazzi offerings that will leave your guests in awe. We'll make your event shine like no other!


We have paparazzi bundles that can cover any event. From the simple A-list celebrity on up to an absolute media frenzy! Want something outside of our standard package deals? Some screaming fans and autograph hounds thrown in as well? Ask about our custom packages!


  • 2 - 4 Paparazzi
  • 2 - 6 Characters (Super Fans and/or Bodyguard)
  • 30 - 60 Minutes
  • Digital Photo Delivery
  • More Info
  • More Info

Red Carpet

  • 3 - 4 Photographers
  • 1 - 6 Characters (Publicist and/or Reporter)
  • 1 - 2 Hours
  • Digital Photo Delivery
  • More Info
  • reserve now

Contact Famous For A Day

Whether you are ready to go or still have some questions...You know you deserve the attention. You probably even have an occasion in mind. Time to alert the press - Give us a call and we will set up your day of fame!



Time to alert the presses - fill out our contact form and let us know about the occasion you have in mind. Whether you are ready to go or still have some questions, we know that you deserve all the attention on your special day.


Time to alert the presses - fill out our contact form.